Saturday, 9 November 2019

Ravenglass 2019 - the conclusion

 Digging Trench 4 on the cliff edge!

That was a good week! The weather was mostly kind to us - handy as we were digging in such an exposed position facing the Irish Sea. 

Another cobble surface!

 In 2017, test pits east of the Barrow to Carlisle railway unearthed Roman occupation continuing at least 250m north of the fort. This year, this activity was found to cover the entire area west of the railway line, increasing the area of the vicus by another 2 hectares. Cobble surfaces, drains and gulleys suggest domestic and industrial activity, similar to that found north and east of the fort in recent years. Further questions, such as the date of this activity, will require more extensive excavation.

              Tea break (left to right) Brian, Leo, Len, Alan, Stephe, Bryan, Zoe and Debbie

Thanks so much to the professional archaeologists who gave their time for free: Bryan, Debbie and Zoe. Also to the locals who helped: Brian, Leo, Len, Alan, Stephe, Nick and Craig.

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Day three on the Boat House Field

The view when the diggers had a teabreak

By Day 3, four trenches have been opened up. Three show signs of Roman occupation, the fourth was dug in an ancient watercourse that flooded overnight! Cobble surfaces and burnt clay are typical of the industrial activity that has been found in the vicus in previous years.

 Cobbled surface

 Stone lined drain

Kurt will shortly be writing a blog summing up of what was found!

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

A new season - in the Boat House Field

 Opening up Trench 1, with the River Esk (right) and the platform of the Roman fort (right background).  volunteers Alan and Len (unfortunately with backs to camera) are in the foreground.

This year, after being up at Muncaster Castle, the team is back closer to the fort. With a team coming from York, there are also two diggers from Lancaster, as well as local volunteers.

The first trenches have been opened on the Boat House Field. Trench 1 was intended to find a ditch under the topsoil, but the topsoil was surprisingly thick, so we have decided to excavate both ends of the trench to find at what depth the Roman levels (if any) lie. Other, smaller test pits are being opened up to identify the extent of Romal deposits across the field.

Thursday, 21 March 2019

3D model of Ravenglass ...!

This was brought to my attention by Roman crime author Ruth Downie.  Have a play with Nick Mason's 3D model of part of the bathouse - there's no need to install any specialised software:

Roman Bath House, Ravenglass, Cumbria

Sunday, 17 February 2019

Romans in Ravenglass exhibition launched!

The Romans in Ravenglass exhibition was launched at the Ravenglass Railway Museum on Friday 17th February! Lots of people were invited, including the main sponsors, the LLW Repository. Unfortunately, the author of the panels, Kurt, was unable to attend but hopes to see the exhibition later in the year.

Meanwhile, Brian & Leo got a starring role on the Ravenglass & Eskdale Railway Co Ltd Facebook page.  Here they are installing the exhibition panels:

Catch the exhibition from now until June 2019.

Sunday, 10 February 2019

Hadrian's Wall Operations Manual by Simon Forty

This book not only covers the usual wall section, but also the rest of the area. Maryport gets a mention. And so does Ravenglass!  It's on page 164, under the section covering Civilians and the Wall, and concerns the excavation of the vicus undertaken in 2013-2014. The author has obviously read the publication (large file which may take several minutes to download) which was written by Kurt Hunter-Mann and produced by ArcHeritage.

Sunday, 3 February 2019

Romans in Ravenglass exhibition boards!

The boards were printed and mounted by Friday and Kurt rushed down to the Press Green to pick them up at 5pm. They are currently residing in York, but due to be sent off to the Ravenglass Railway Museum on Monday.

Friday, 18 January 2019

Installing the exhibition!

As seen on the Facebook page for the Ravenglass Railway Museum: this is project stalwart Leo starting to fill up the exhibition cabinet with lots of Romans in Ravenglass finds. 

The exhibition will open on 15th February, with lots to see, including the cabinet, exhibition boards and videos.

Sunday, 13 January 2019

Happy New Year - with an exhibition!

Sneak preview: screen shot of the draft of one of the seven boards to be installed in the Museum - the finished board may look different!

The Romans in Ravenglass crew have been working on an exhibition which is to go into the Museum at Ravenglass and Eskdale Steam Railway in February.  It will be be filling the Community Exhibition space.

LLW Repository Ltd has kindly funded the exhibition boards